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The Growing Risk List

If you own a business, these are just a few things to look out for when it comes to emerging liability trends.

As time passes and technology grows, new exposures for risk rise. Below we have listed the top 7 emerging liability trends in 2015.

  • AUTO: Rising medical costs, distracted driving, and non-owned & hired exposures increase risk.
  • MOBILE TECHNOLOGY: Employees connecting to the workplace 24/7 expose employers to unexpected liability.
  • CYBER: In these days, information is everywhere, i.e. your phone, iPad, the “cloud”, your desktop, etcetera, and hackers are becoming more prevalent. If your data is not protected, you could literally lose your business.
  • MANUFACTURED COMPONENTS: Imported products, broad distribution and unintended uses make it difficult to quantify exposures and verify adequate limits. The newest rage is drones.
  • LONG HAUL DRIVERS: New legislation expanding driving hours for truckers impacts driver fatigue and public safety.
  • CONSTRUCTION SKILLS SHORTAGE: Lack of skilled workers can lead to project delays, poor workmanship and safety and liability issues.
  • RIDE SHARING: As Uber, Lyft and other TNCs make their appearance throughout the states, many insurance questions arise for the drivers, and safety questions for the riders.

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