Q: Can I move my car after hitting someone?
A: Yes, you can move your car to see damages, but it may be smartest not to. It is best to wait for instructions from a responding officer. Also, be sure to take pictures of the wreck before you move your vehicle. This is for a variety of reasons, but especially for your insurer in the claims process.
Q: When will I have to pay my deductible?
A: You will not have to pay your deductible if you are not at fault and the other person has insurance. However, if you are at fault, your deductible will apply in repairing your car.
Q: What if the person I hit/who hit me doesn’t have insurance?
A: That person would be referred to as an “Uninsured Motorist”. In this case, you must look to your insurance company to take care of you even though it is not your fault. State laws only require $25,000 of coverage each person and/or $50,000 per accident.
Q: How much will my insurance go up, and when?
A: Your insurance is very likely to rise and the amount depends on your history and insurer. This is referred to as an accident surcharge and could increase the premium of your insurance at renewal up to 20%-25%.
Q: Should 911 be called even if no one is injured?
A: Yes. Even if you agree with the other party to “just let insurance” take care of it, you can’t be sure if their insurance is up to date, or even real. It is best to have the law involved in any case, as to have proof that the wreck even happened.
Q: When should I call my insurer?
A: Call your insurer as soon as possible. Timely investigation allows most claims to be resolved quickly and for lesser amounts.

For more information on insurance for your car or your home, call 334.263.5535 or get a quote today!